Sunday, August 28, 2016

Cisco Router

Cisco Router
On this occasion I will introduce some of the terminology and basic descriptions about the voice, vidio, and fax in relation to cisco.
Well hopefully about Cisco can be useful for the visitors ..

Understanding Dial Peers
The first thing we need to understand about voice technology is what's called a dial peer Dial Peers. Dial peer-entity explains entities to or from which a call ( "cell") is formed.

All voice technology will use a dial-peer in order to put the characteristics associated with the characteristics of the so-called call leg, YAGNI Distrit segment of a call connection that exists between the two connection points. On a line call end-to-end would diliatkan four cell namely:

- Dial cell perspectives leg of these sources (Source route)
- Dial cell leg of these perspectives destination (destination)

Learning Cisco Packet Tracer For Beginners

Cisco Packet Tracer is an e-learning program that will simulate artificial Cisco computer network previously designed and configured by the user. Simulation workstations, servers, routers and other network devices made very similar to the original. So that we can learn through simulated computer networks this program alone, do not need to cost a fortune to buy a computer that many engineering practices that we want. Of course this is very cost-effective. In addition, with Cisco Packet Tracer, we can learn the ins and outs of network standards, but very deep. Even the contents of the PDU in a packet at certain time intervals we can see and learn, it is difficult to do using native network device though.
On this occasion, I will share a few thoughts when I am using Cisco's Packet Tracer. All I had made in the form of tutorials and bundled into a single PDF file to try practice. The assumption is that you already have the software Cisco Packet Tracer her and has been installed properly in your PC. Target readers in PDF files are beginners who are happy with the Computer Network (Network), know the basics of operating a Cisco Packet Tracer her, but still not so familiar with the panels on the program
Oh yes, it is highly recommended for dear readers ... to read also my post before this, in order to understand the basics of computer networks and systematics. Tapi with little promotion hehehe ...

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Make Android-Based Learning Media (part 2)

The development of increasingly rapid teknomogi gadget brings about changes in instructional media. Computer-based learning media previously used to bloom now turning to mobile based learning media in a variety of platforms, ranging from android, windows phone, iPhone, flash lite, java, and so forth. Various software for developing Eclipse, Android Studio, Adobe Flash CS6, Construct 2 and so on.

Creating Media-Based Learning Android with Construct 2
This tutorial is a continuation of the previous tutorial on how to create media-based learning android with Construct 2. We will use the return of software maker HTML5-based games or applications that are specific to this 2D platform. Software developed by Scirra is different from the Adobe Flash CS 6, for Construct 2 is not a specific programming language, because all of the commands used in the game is set in EvenSheet consisting of the Event and Action. Thus, to develop games or applications with Construct 2 we do not need to master the difficult programming language. Project of Construct 2 can also be run on a computer or laptop via the browser before export to APK.
In the same way rename the event sheet. Each layout is always paired with eventsheet we make the same name.

The steps for creating instructional media android using Construct 2 is as follows:

The steps for creating instructional media android using Construct 2 is as follows: First, open the program Construct 2 and then click New Project or File> New and then select New empty project

The initial view of Construct 2
Second, click on the layout shown and then set the properties available on the left of the layout. Some things that need to be regulated in these properties is the Layout Size, Margins, Window Size, and Preview browser. Set Layout Size, Margins, and Window Size respectively by entering the numbers 480, 800. Then determine Preview Borwser which will, for example, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or another. Preview browser is used to display the application or media that we create in the browser.
Layout settings and Margin

Creating Media-Based Learning Android with Construct 2

The development of communication technology (IT), which grew rapidly bring a paradigm shift in the world of education. The paradigm change the visible one in the way the learning media. One simple example we can see a shift from the media for the presentation of learning, from the board into OHP (Over Head Projector) and is currently using the LCD Projector.
Gadgets increasingly rapid development also brings about changes in instructional media. Computer-based learning media previously used to bloom now turning to mobile based learning media in a variety of platforms, ranging from android, windows phone, iPhone, flash lite, java, and so forth. Various media or software to develop mobile-based applications between laib Eclipse, Android Studio, Adobe Flash CS6, Construct 2 and so on. Media developed can be accessed by students via mobile phones owned

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

4 Different Styles For the Popular Posts Widget

Blogger allows us to easily add a "Popular Posts" widget, that we select from its list of gadgets, and we can do that by going to the "Layout" of our Blog.

This gadget, as the name implies, shows which are the most visited blog posts, and you can set it to display the info you want in four possible combinations: (1) only the title of the post, (2) a thumbnail of the image and the post title, (3) post title with a summary, and (4) post title with a thumbnail and a post snippet.

This is an element that you shouldn't miss in your blog because it encourages your visitors to navigate through your content and that can result in higher income if you're monetizing your blog because it would generate an increase in the number of pages visited, and in turn, can attract the users' interest to subscribe to the blog and to read interesting content.

Preliminary steps: Add the gadget, if you haven't done it yet.

1. Select the "Layout" tab and add the "Popular Posts" gadget in that part of your blog you want to appear, such as in your sidebar, by clicking on "Add a Gadget".

2. Configure the widget to show only the post titles. You can do this by clicking on the "image thumbnail" and "snippet" checkboxes, as shown in the following image.

3. After configuring the widget, save the changes by clicking on Save, and then Save arrangement.

Customizing Numbered Lists in Posts + 3 Examples

From the Compose tab of a Blogger post, we can create numbered lists using the "Numbered List" tool.

blogger gadgets, blogger widgets

A numbered list is achieved through the HTML code of a "ordered list". You don't have to worry about adding the HTML, because the editor does it for you by using this tool. If you go to the HTML tab, you'll see that the list you created appears something like this:
<li>The content of the 1st. element</li>
<li>The content of the 2nd. element</li>
<li>The content of the 3rd. element</li>
<li>The content of the 4th. element</li>
This tool will automatically number each element of the list taking an "order", hence the name "ordered lists in HTML". In each element a number is successively generated (from 1 onwards), though you can not see this in the HTML code.